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Shell Scripting

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With the terminal setup, the commands that will run here are in a shell scripting language. There are different shells (bash is default) to pick from and we have selected the z shell. For most of our purposes, while the z shell (zsh) is faster and smoother, there isn't much of a difference in the scripting language that can be used.
difference between bash and zsh

As such, we will run through and learn how to use the Bourne Again Shell (BASH) scripting langugae and will be able to use the same commands and scripts on the terminal that we have setup as well.
Some key differences to keep in mind:
- .bashrc file is replaced by .zshrc & .bash_profile by .zprofile.
- Bash arrays go from 0 to n-1, while zsh arrays go from 1 to n.
- Zsh has glob qualifiers nd wildcard patterns.

This is a great source to understand and learn BASH .

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